Thursday, June 27, 2013

Walk away

"Your life is already complete in Him (Read Colossians 1:28). You have what you need for a rich and full adventure as a single woman. God promises that He does not withhold favor and honor. And that He will “withhold no good thing from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11). "

Walk away from guilt.
Walk away from confusion.
Walk away from the mirage.
Walk away from love.

Guilt, a trigger to decision
Confusion, a path to conviction
Mirage, a prelude to definition
Love, find your way back to me

I let go, and let God.

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” Ann Landers

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

not to let you know

What if I said
Not one day passes by, without me NOT thinking of you?

I try my best not to let you know
For fear of what the future beholds

But...every time you come close
My heart of stone turns so soft

Losing grip of who I was 
Reasonings and logic, at a loss

Why did destiny allow our paths to cross?
No... us together? It does not make sense at all!

Will I ever let you go?
Will I reveal my feelings so raw?

I will still, try my best not to let you know
For fear of what the future beholds

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I've been listening to a quite a few Chinese songs lately. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Far away

Far away we live in gleaming paradise
In perfect peaceful paradigm
In love in riches of all kind
In a fairy tale story we construct the lines 

Far away where the flowers bloom 
In a place we find no gloom
In honor we live, we walk in truth
In a home with no rule

Far away whence

Far away lies eternal youth
No fear no pain no abuse
In freedom in joy we run free
In hope in goodness we believe

Far away whence

Far away

Far away,
 In our head

//Ash J
20 minutes on the bus

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Found this poem written  almost 5 years ago, on Apr 14, '07 4:26 AM

his words icy cold
the coldness crept right to her heart
numbing the bare tenderness
it slowly, freezes
the sensation of frostbites burns deep
burns so deep it hurts

and the raw heart freezes
stone cold, stone hard

brittle and unfeeling the heart became
unlike its former hotblooded tenderness

pieces broken off
she let them be

my friend, my beloved child
don't let it be?
don't let that man hurt you again

there's someone else who loves you more
who yearns to give you warmth
take it slow, take time to grow
there's no hurry in love, its not war

i'll be there for you
for hugs and joy, for tears and pain